Your own bookstore?
Would you enjoy having your own bookstore? Why or why not? If you did own a bookstore, would you want a big one or a smaller one? How would you design it? What other services would you offer in your bookstore (for example, serve coffee to your customers, etc.)?

I would love to have a book store. I think having a book store right now might be a little bit difficult due to Covid-19. But you could offer certain services, like offering to shop for literature for your customers and ship it to their home. Or you could just have a website (along with your actual brick and mortar store) with all the books you have and let your customers browse your selections through your website and ship it to them. I think that could be beneficial to any book store no matter what is going on, however, it would be especially beneficial right now due to Covid-19.
I would like to have a book store that looked something like the library at Hogwarts. Rather large with rows and rows of books. I’d have different sections…..a kids section, another for young adult/teens, poetry, fantasy, horror, mystery, non-fiction and so on. That would certainly help make things easier to find.