What Managers Really Look for in a Job Application

Job applications can be tough, especially if you have little to no experience. It can be difficult to discern what makes a memorable job application. This article is your guide to impressing your potential employers with an excellent CV and thus increasing your chances of securing a job in today’s financial climate. 


A CV (curriculum vitae) is generally what employers will want to see from you. In summary, it is an account of your education, experience, relevant interests, and employment history. You will want to ensure that your CV shows off all your relevant skills; holding back on your CV is a mistake, as employers will dismiss your application to be lacking. Ideally, you should have a general CV that fits the realm of most jobs you will be applying for, but also make it so you can easily personalise it depending on the job (if you are applying for a range of different roles). 


You can find lots of accessible resources on the internet that make creating your CV a much simpler and less stressful experience, especially for those who are writing one for the first time. For example, free resume builder gives you the choice of a great deal of professional yet creative templates to decide from. Websites like these allow you to concentrate on displaying yourself in the best light to potential employers instead of worrying about presentation as well, especially if you are not generally a creative person. 


Usually sent alongside a CV, cover letters are all about elaboration. This is where you can flaunt your relevant accomplishments or experiences to the potential employers in greater detail. It is highly recommended that you scan the job posting for its required and desirable qualities section and write about how your areas of expertise match with what the company is looking for. If you are lacking inspiration, the best thing you can do to increase your chances is read cover letter examples from people who have applied for similar roles to you, and have successfully secured the job. 


Sometimes, the hardest part of a job application can be where to start. You want to ensure that your application is not lacking in any way, and all components of it come across as strong and impressive. Perhaps your strengths do not lie in grammar and sentence structure, and you feel this takes away from the whole application as you cannot properly showcase your best self. I recommend using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action and Result) to naturally get your sentences confidently flowing. 


It’s all well and good recommending that you show off all your skills and expertise if you do not have these things. If so, before undertaking the task of job applications, it is advisable to get back to basics and try to gain more experience. If you’re struggling finding paid experience, try some volunteer work or attend networking events. Ultimately, as long as you’re showing your drive, passion and genuine enthusiasm, this will shine through on your application. 
