What is the Future of Telemedicine in the Infinite Enterprise?

I recently wrote an article for HIT Consultant magazine about why telemedicine is here to stay. Founded in 2012, HIT Consultant is the leading source of healthcare technology news, analysis, and insights for healthcare executives, physicians, and providers.

The article discusses the enormous growth and widespread acceptance of telemedicine that began with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we gradually emerge from the pandemic, using telemedicine remains a popular option.

However, telemedicine must move beyond simply being able to communicate with medical staff remotely and more toward offsetting basic care and conducting remote diagnostics. To make telemedicine a genuinely viable form of care long-term, we need to push beyond where it currently exists today. This next era of telemedicine is promising, but how do we get there? It takes more than patient and organizational buy-in — the technology of the Infinite Enterprise will play a crucial role in ensuring telehealth’s long-term expansion.

Mother on tele-health call with her children

As we move towards a post-pandemic world, we are living our lives differently. Every enterprise business must adapt to the cultural shift in the way people go about their daily lives. We shop differently, we attend school differently, we work differently, and we receive healthcare differently.

For a full deep dive, please take a moment to read the entire discussion in the HIT Consultant article titled: Why Telemedicine Isn’t a Temporary Fix — It’s The Future
