What do dogs love the water?

Why do dogs love the water?
We’ve all walked our dogs by a body of water such as a lake, ocean and swimming pool, all dogs feel compelled to jump in especially still water. Have you ever wondered why that is? Well we’re here to find out why dogs love water so much.
Depending on the breed, dogs generally have a thicker fur coat that while protects their skin can actually heat their bodies in high temperature climate areas or in areas that lack shade. A cool body of water for dogs is much like their needs to pant with their mouths open. Panting with their tongues out is a mechanism designed to release heat in exchange for cooler air that prevents dogs from experiencing heat stroke. Panting is almost considered to be their auto immune response and is necessary in order to beat the heat.
Water that’s dogs swim in much like drinking water used to directly hydrate their bodies, is something dogs feel compelled to jump into since water cools off the body a whole lot quicker than panting plus dogs just love the fun of playing in the water. The rate of exertion of swimming in water is actually less than a dog panting since their bodies cool down at a quicker rate regardless of exercise conducted in the water.
While dogs just love to swim any body of water such as an ocean can be dangerous and therefore we recommend going out and buying a safety life vest which goes great with a nice pair of beach dog shoes (haha). But seriously, always make sure Fido is always protected from the harsh cold winter elements.
- Jul 17, 2020
- Pet Life Admin