Video Recipe: How to Make Refreshing Vietnamese Green Jelly Drink from Scratch (Sương Sâm)

In Vietnam, sương sâm is a refreshing green jelly drink, mixed with sugar, flavored with banana extract, and served over crushed ice. It is a refreshing drink to quench your thirst and cool you down on hot summer days.
Sương sâm can be enjoyed as a simple dessert on its own or added as a tasty topping to other beverages, such as milk tea/boba drinks.
The plant that is used to make the green jelly is a flowering vine plant called dây sương sâm in Vietnam. It’s scientifically known as Tiliacora Triandra, or simply green jelly plant. In Lao and Thailand, it’s known as the Yanang leaf.
Tiliacora Triandra is a flowering plant native to Southeast Asia, and is used throughout the region. In Vietnam, we primarily use the leaf extract in drinks. In Lao and Thailand, they also use the leaf extract, but in soups as a thickening agent.
To make the refreshing drink, the leaves of the Tiliacora Triandra or green jelly plant are crumpled and mashed up with a bit of water until the water turns a dark green.
Traditionally, this process is done by hand but in the video above, we are using a blender to speed up the process. The pulp is then strained and discarded using a cheesecloth, colander, or in our case a milk bag.
The green liquid starts to coagulate in a matter of minutes. There is no need for any gelatin or starch, as the mucus in the leaves naturally solidifies the liquid on its own. However, commercial vendors will add a bit of starch to preserve the gelatin state.
The green liquid solidifies into a very delicate green jelly that is then cubed or cut, ready as a dessert or added to beverages.
If you are looking to grow Tiliacora Triandra of your own, you can plant them either from seeds, or if you have someone with the plant already, ask them for a small cutting. Insert the cutting into some water to allow the roots to propagate. Once roots are propagated, transfer to soil.
Don’t have the plant at home? No problem. You can find the canned version in many Asian stores. Sometimes, they even have the powder, which is highly recommended over the canned version. Still can’t find any? Let me know and I will add them to the online store.
Check the video above for the recipe. Follow along for a tasty, healthy, and refreshing drink.