Universal Project Mounting Board!

We’ve all made prototypes using whatever we happen to have on hand — random sensors, development boards, and wires all over the place. Or you might be in the middle of a reverse engineering effort, with many microscopic wires soldered to the pads of a small surface mount package. One of the best things you can do for your project is to mount them to a project board of some kind. Well, these awesome universal project plates (also available in the large size pictured above) fit the bill for both scenarios perfectly.

Using evenly spaced 10mm holes, you can mount just about anything to them. The maker even has specially made plates available for common outlines like the Arduino UNO, BeagleBone Black, and more! But since it’s a nice 10mm grid, you can easily make adapter plates yourself, or just line things up the best you can — as long as you can get 2 screw holes aligned you should be fine.

It’s a great way to neaten up a messy prototype for display at a Maker Faire or other meetup, or just to give a sturdy home to a delicate project that shouldn’t be moved around too much. For those late-night hacking sessions when you’ve got 50 tiny enamel wires coming out of the back of a reverse-engineering project, you want a sturdy base to mount it to so you know your wires won’t break off and leave you pulling your hair out when things don’t work!
