Ultimate Teensy 4.0 Breakout Board!

The Teensy 4.0 is a truly fabulous development board. Capable of operating at just over a Gigahertz clock speed with cooling, it’s roughly the size of your finger, and available for around $20. It’s a mind-blowing value, at least to those of us that grew up when that sort of speed would have been a very impressive desktop. Even so, like most dev boards it lacks a few connection niceties, addressed by the Ultimate Breakout Board for Teensy 4.0 by BurgessWorld Custom Electronics.

Highlights of this board include a 1A, 5V power regulator, along with a 2.1mm barrel jack, and a CR2032 battery for maintaining the time and date. An array of serial and I2C ports are provided, along with an SPI connector and CAN bus ports. Finally, a USB-A connector allows the Teensy 4.0 to act as a USB host, and a microSD card slot provides a potentially massive amount of storage capacity.

This board is sold partially assembled with all surface-mount components attached. The buyer will need to take care of soldering on the headers and connectors. An optional 9V power supply is also available, which should come in handy in some circumstances.
