Tools That Will Make Camping with Pets Easier This Summer

As a family with a pet, it’s likely that you want to enjoy everything you do with your furry companion next to you. Read on to see a few tools you can use that will make it easier to camp with your pets this summer.

Collapsible Water and Food Bowls

Your four-legged companion needs to enjoy their meals on a regular basis, even when you’re out having fun in the wild. This doesn’t mean that you have to pack their regular food and water bowls, which may be large and inconvenient to travel with. There is the option of food and water bowls that can be collapsed after use, making them handy and efficient to carry around. With 36% of people who own dogs and 31% of those who own cats buying a brand of dry pet food in 2019 based on recommendations from their vet, you will have an easy time serving the healthy meals in a bowl that’s easy to move around from one spot to another at the camp.


Light-Up Collars

You’re going camping to have fun, and in this spirit, it’s important to stay safe. As your pet can run off and get into places that are unfamiliar to both of you, it’s a good idea to have light-up collars for them. This tech will make it possible to keep an eye on them even in the dark, when they may be more likely to be harder to find after being a little too adventurous.

Pet Treats

With 78% of people camping taking part in outdoor cooking, it’s a good idea to have something at hand for your pet. Treats will also make it possible to have fun and play different games or simply keep them in a condition that’s healthy enough for them that they can keep going for long. If, for instance, you go hiking, having treats with you will make it possible to keep your pet energized to some extent so that you can extend the amount of fun you all have. Look for small morsels with high nutritional value so they can pack a punch even in small quantities. With bakery products comprising more than 2% of America’s GDP and equaling a bit over $300 billion each year, you can shop for baked dog treats that will be healthier.

Carseat Covers

A car seat cover will serve the double function of keeping your car’s seats clean while creating a comfortable place for your pet to sit while heading to and from camp. If you have a dog that has anxiety, for instance, you can get one with a mesh window and non-slip surface to keep them calm. Also, get one that’s easy and fast to install so you don’t spend extra time trying to figure it out. Finally, make sure that it’s easy to clean so that your pet can enjoy a clean spot for as long as you’re out and about.

Pet Emergency Kit

As you pack your family’s emergency kit, don’t forget to pack one for your pet too. While some of the items in a human emergency kit can be used on pets, it’s important to make sure you also have those that will be pet-specific. If you don’t want to buy separate kits, you can simply get yours and then buy the missing pet emergency items and pack them. This improvised emergency kit will work as well as is necessary should you need to use it.

With these tips, you can go out and enjoy your camping trip with your pet, eliminating the need to find a sitter for them and have them stay behind, bored and missing you. Keep them in mind the next time you plan to go camping and you will enjoy the wholesome experience you will have!
