Linux for Network Engineers: Path Analysis on Windows with pathping

netbeez> mtr.exe –help


mtr [options] hostname

-F, –filename FILE        read hostname(s) from a file

-4                         use IPv4 only

-6                         use IPv6 only

-u, –udp                  use UDP instead of ICMP echo

-T, –tcp                  use TCP instead of ICMP echo

-I, –interface NAME       use named network interface

-a, –address ADDRESS      bind the outgoing socket to ADDRESS

-f, –first-ttl NUMBER     set what TTL to start

-m, –max-ttl NUMBER       maximum number of hops

-U, –max-unknown NUMBER   maximum unknown host

-P, –port PORT            target port number for TCP, SCTP, or UDP

-L, –localport LOCALPORT  source port number for UDP

-s, –psize PACKETSIZE     set the packet size used for probing

-B, –bitpattern NUMBER    set bit pattern to use in payload

-i, –interval SECONDS     ICMP echo request interval

-G, –gracetime SECONDS    number of seconds to wait for responses

-Q, –tos NUMBER           type of service field in IP header

-e, –mpls                 display information from ICMP extensions

-Z, –timeout SECONDS      seconds to keep probe sockets open

-r, –report               output using report mode

-w, –report-wide          output wide report

-c, –report-cycles COUNT  set the number of pings sent

-j, –json                 output json

-x, –xml                  output xml

-C, –csv                  output comma separated values

-l, –raw                  output raw format

-p, –split                split output

-t, –curses               use curses terminal interface

     –displaymode MODE     select initial display mode

-n, –no-dns               do not resolve host names

-b, –show-ips             show IP numbers and host names

-o, –order FIELDS         select output fields

-y, –ipinfo NUMBER        select IP information in output

-z, –aslookup             display AS number

-h, –help                 display this help and exit

-v, –version              output version information and exit
