Is Olivia Munn Looking For Love With An Older Man?

Is Olivia Munn swearing off younger guys? A new report in the upcoming January 25, 2021, issue of OK! magazine is discussing Olivia’s love life since her split from younger boyfriend Tucker Roberts. Olivia has been linked to a number of younger guys and according to the report, she’s ready to find someone older who will be more mature.

Though May/December romances are all the rage (look at Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde) it looks like Olivia is ready to move on from them. Her last relationship was with Tucker Roberts who is 30-years-old. Olivia is ten years his senior at 40-years-old.  A source spoke to the publication about Olivia’s frustration with younger boyfriends.

Olivia has seen her girlfriends have success with younger men, but for her, the age gap makes for a lot of pointless drama. That tests her patience, which she doesn’t have a lot of in the first place.

Though Olivia hasn’t confirmed or denied OK!’s report, she certainly wouldn’t be alone in finding relationships with younger men bothersome. Though many people find a way to bridge the age gap, there are plenty of relationships that simply can’t stand up to the pressures that can come from a generational gap. Many people find that they simply want different things out of life or have different interests when there is an age gap.

That isn’t to say that one partner may not be more or less mature for their age, making the partnership idea. Sometimes, people do well in May/December romances because they thrive in what the partnership brings. However; that doesn’t seem to be the case for Olivia Munn.

Olivia had been in a three-year relationship with Aaron Rodgers and she was in a two-year relationship with fellow actor Joel Kinnamon before that. You may see a report about Olivia Munn’s split from Tucker Roberts below.


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What do you think about Olivia Munn’s reported new stance on dating younger guys? Have you dated someone younger or older than you in the past? Did you find it to be a problem or were you able to work around the age gap?

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