Is a Career in Orthodontics Right for You?

Have you been feeling a little stuck in your career as of late? Does it feel like you’re in need of a change in order to feel more successful, fulfilled, or even more challenged? This is a common feeling that people can go through at different stages in their career, and it’s worth listening to that inner voice. Perhaps you’ve started thinking about a career in orthodontics but you aren’t quite sure you’re willing to make that leap. Would it be the right choice for you?

Let’s take a closer look at what a career in orthodontics entails and some tips that can help you figure out if it’s the right career path.

Is There Demand for Orthodontists?

The first thing worth looking into is the job outlook for orthodontists. Obviously, you don’t want to put the time and energy into pursuing a career that doesn’t even have openings. The good news is that orthodontic treatments in general have been on the rise in the UK, which is promising for those eyeing the career path.

And what’s really interesting is that it appears to be adults who are driving the trend where braces are concerned. The British Orthodontic Society has reported that 75% of clients getting braces are now adults.

Research Orthodontic Courses to Get a Clear Picture

It’s also a good idea to look into orthodontic courses early on in the decision-making process. This is a practical way to learn more about what a career in orthodontics would entail, what it would take from an education/training standpoint, and if it’s the kind of thing that would appeal to you in the long-run. 

You can visit for an in-depth look at who these orthodontic courses are aimed at, and what you can expect to take away from them. For example, the Postgraduate Diploma in Orthodontics course will train you in such skills as fitting clear aligners, allowing you to take advantage of a booming market.

What About the Personal Skills Needed?

Of course, schooling can give you all the training in terms of practice and procedures, but there are some personal skills that can help you to be more successful. In general, orthodontists need to have excellent communication skills. They need to be able to listen and speak to patients in a way that makes the patient feel heard and comfortable moving ahead with the treatment. Think of it as your “bedside manner” in a sense – it’s up to you to make each patient feel confident and comfortable in the chair.

You also need to have excellent organizational skills and be detail-oriented. You want to be able to catch every fine detail and not let things slide by unnoticed.

Shifts can also be quite busy, seeing one patient after another, so a high level of energy and stamina can also prove useful.

It Could Prove to Be an Ideal Path

By doing your research, looking into orthodontics in a more specific manner, and of course being honest with yourself about your interests and skills, you may just find that this is the perfect career path for you.