How to Get Rid of Garden Spiders
When you work hard on your garden, the last thing you want to worry about is spiders taking over and destroying the work you’ve put into the landscaping. Certain spiders can cause a lot of damage to a garden, potentially catching and eating pollinating insects or even destroying the plants in your garden as they are trying to grow. Use these tips to get rid of garden spiders without hurting your plant life.
Minimize Hiding Spots
Image via Flickr by It’s No Game
When you have good hiding places in your garden, spiders are more likely to take up residence. They like to stay out of sight and hunt for prey without being detected. Wood piles, compost piles, and even stacked-up rocks can all serve as ideal hiding spots for spiders, so removing these from your property can make the space less appealing to a spider.
If you want to compost, consider getting a closed box that you can use to create the mulch you use in your garden. Look for ways to eliminate potential hiding spots throughout your garden and the spiders will be less likely to remain there. As you remove items and debris that spiders may be living in, make sure to wear long sleeves and gloves to reduce the risk of a spider bite.
Get Rid of Food Sources
In order to survive, a spider needs access to food in your garden. Removing their food source can also encourage spiders to move on and find new places to live, preferably away from your property. Most spiders eat other insects, so treating your garden with insecticide can eliminate the pests that those spiders would eat. Insecticide treatments don’t work to kill spiders, but it can work to get rid of what they want to eat.
Break Down Spiderwebs
The web is the spider’s home, as well as its method for catching and consuming its prey. If you spot a spiderweb in your garden, use a stick or other object to break it down and remove it completely. By removing the webs as soon as you see them, you’re encouraging the spider to move to a new location. Some spiders need more than a single hint, so continue to break down the webs that appear on your property to give them the message that they are not welcome there.
Use Deterrents
Certain products can also deter spiders from taking up residence on your property. While some spider types can be beneficial, others are harmful and can even cause harm to you when you’re working in the garden. If you have particularly dangerous spiders in your garden, such as poisonous or aggressive varieties, you may need to take a more advanced approach to spider pest control. A professional technician can safely and carefully remove the spiders that are living on your property and creating a potentially dangerous situation.
Don’t let spiders and the webs they build take over your garden and outdoor space. By taking a few preventive steps, you can reduce the risk of a spider infestation and protect your property from these bothersome critters.
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