Gabrielle Union Shares A Heartbreaking Message Following The Passing Of Cicley Tyson

Gabrielle Union shared a heartbreaking message on her social media account following the passing of Cicely Tyson. You can check out her message below.

‘we have lost a visionary, a leader, a lover, an author, an ICON, and one of the most talented actresses the world has ever seen. A life, a career, a fire to be celebrated forevermore! #RIPCicelyTyson ????’ Gabrielle said.

Someone else posted this: ‘Through her passion & love she touched many hearts, a soothing soul, may she rest in peace.???.’

A commenter said: ‘What a stunning and talented actress. She has certainly left her mark,’ and one other follower posted this: ‘Noooo ? rest peacefully. I’ve watched you since I was a little girl. ? thank you for your shining light in this dark world. ❤’

Someone else said: ‘Words are just not sufficient to explain what this woman has meant to so many. Forever in my heart. RIH Cicely Tyson❤️’

One other follower posted this: ‘Truly a blessing to have watched her blossom and to hear her words of wisdom and yet with all her success and achievement, she remained humble…We lost her earthly, but she has gained her heavenly wings and she lived a life that we will tell our great-grandchildren and their children about, truly an ICON in our time…forever will be missed and honoured, my prayers are with all of those who personally knew her and those of us who knew her through her many talents….????❤’

Earlier today, it’s been revealed that Gabrielle Union made an announcement to her fans and followers on social media,, and you can also check it out below.

She’s telling people that the shady baby aka Kaavia James has something to tell to the world.

Gabrielle is living her best life with the family these days.


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