Educational Egyptian LED Pyramid Model

The pyramids of Egypt, along with the Spinx and other wonders, have fascinated onlookers for millennia. While we may never quite understand how they were constructed, if you’ve ever wanted to build your own miniature version, you might like to check out the REX Woody Series DIY Egyptian Pyramids by Robotistan.

Unlike the original stone pyramids, this mini-monument is made out of wood, and can be assembled by kids and adults alike. The set comes with a model of the Keops structure, plus the Spinx next to it. The pyramid features an arrangement of LEDs around its perimeter, and it comes with the wiring, batteries, and switch needed to make it shine. While not included, one could see this setup enhanced with a microcontroller board to flash away at random, or even as a reaction to stimulus!

The product page notes that this can be a great learning tool for kids, allowing them to practice their fine motor skills while putting it together, and to compare larger and smaller squares that stack up to the “sky.” The parallel LED circuit that lights up the base can also be a great first step into the world of electronics, perhaps inspiring architecture endeavors in the future!
