Don’t Keep Those Chickens Cooped Up!

If you have ever enjoyed a fresh chicken egg, you’ve tasted just how worthwhile having your own chickens can be. Some folks raise chickens for their sustainability impact, others as a source of income, and some simply for companionship. Whatever the reason, raising chickens is a full-time commitment, and you need quite a bit of infrastructure for their care. One important daily task is making sure the chickens all make their way in each night and are released from the coop each morning, and the Automatic Chicken Coop Door is an incredibly simple device to help you with that job.

The mechanism is powered by a rechargeable 18650 Li-Ion battery, which isn’t included but is readily found online and in physical stores. The solar panel on the device recharges the battery and also measures the ambient light to determine when the door should be opened and closed at dawn and dusk. By using the potentiometers inside the device, you can fine-tune the delay when opening and closing the door in the mornings and evenings. You can even test your configurations without having to wait for the right time of day thanks to the flexibility and feedback integrated into the design of the mechanism.

This product comes from Putkovar, the Poultry Protector from Slovenia. Be sure to visit the product page to appreciate all the thought they’ve put into this design, and keep an eye out for future projects from them on their storefront!
