Do you ever find yourself stuck?

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a genre/series/author? Do you only read books from a specific genre/series/author? If so, why? Are you happy reading books from that genre/series/author? If not, what have you found that works to get yourself unstuck?

I’ve never found myself in this particular situation. Thanks to my ADHD, I don’t tend to linger on one genre or author for very long. Don’t get me wrong, I do have authors, series, and genres that I prefer or are my favorite. It’s just that I don’t tend to stay on the same thing for a long stretch of time due to my attention span being a little shorter when compared to other people. Moving back and forth between different genres prevents me from getting “stuck” or finding myself in a rut when it comes to my reading (which you can see by viewing the “Past Reads” section of my blog).

I’ve also learned to include more genres into my reading thanks to some past reading goals I’ve set for myself. Originally I just read horror, mystery, thriller/suspense, fantasy, science fiction, crime drama and the occasional romance. Now I’ve included historical fiction, poetry and some graphic novels. I’ll also include things that are considered young adult or children’s as long as the story will hold my attention. So, I’ve learned to broadened my horizons since I started this blog.

What about you…..?
