Crispy Pan-Fried Red Tilapia Fish Recipe (Cá Diêu Hồng Chiên Giòn)

I really love that Costco sells whole fish. Back then, they only sell fillets which I thought was a waste because I enjoy the fins, tails, and head. These extra parts of the fish fry up nicely, like crunchy potato chips. Plus, bone-in fish provide so much flavor and it really does help to keep the meat moist and tender.

I either steam or fry whole fish. For this particular recipe, I’m pan-frying the fish because my newly teenage son loves all meat fried and crunchy, despite his claim that he was a strict vegetarian as a toddler.

This simple fried fish recipe works well with tilapia and any other white-flesh fish. I’m using red tilapia (Cá Diêu Hồng) because they have them aplenty at Costco. The fish is marinated with only pantry ingredients so no extra prep work is required. All the seasonings are the same amount too!

Also, no need to set aside time to marinate. The fish is generously coated with the seasonings so it can go straight into the pan for a quick meal. Serve with steamed rice with a side of vegetables and you are set for dinner.

Recipe below. Happy cooking!
