Canceled plans?

Have you ever canceled plans so that you could stay home and read? If so, what were you reading at the time? What plans did you cancel? How often have you canceled plans to stay home to read?

I honestly can’t say that I’ve done this. Were there times that I wished I could, sure. When I was a kid, there were days that I wished I could stay home from school to read whatever I was reading at the time. As an adult, I’ve learned to control this a little better, however, I’ll admit that it is still hard at times. When the books in the Harry Potter series were being released, that would be an example. I remember staying up late to finish reading the Prisoner of Azkaban but I was schedule to be off the next day so it didn’t really matter if I was tired. But it’s also hard trying to avoid other people talking about that book you may be reading as well, especially if it’s a popular book (I kind of had this problem when I was reading Deathly Hallows).
