Camera Adapter For Microscopic Pictures!

Modern digital cameras can take excellent pictures, with a significant amount of detail. Zoom in with a macro adapter, and you can capture even more minute details, over a much smaller range. To zoom in on your subject even more, the Metal Microscope Macro Set by DIY Imaging looks like a fantastic option.

The device, which is an upgraded version of the earlier generation setup featured here, is available with adapter options to fit Sony, Canon, Nikon, and Pentax cameras. There’s also an option to use a C/CS mount, which allows it to fit up to a variety of other devices, including the Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera. You can even order it with a second camera adapter, or even two if you’re a true photography aficionado.

The system uses several segments for sufficient spacing between the microscope objective and the camera sensor, and segments can be added or subtracted to change the magnification. Notably, the objective lens assembly isn’t standard, but is instead listed as an option. This allows you to use your own device, or buy one separately as needed.

Finally, if you want to do microscopic HDR photography, the set’s internal surfaces can be painted black, which should mean better performance in this role. It’s a fantastic looking kit, which was used to produce the partial image of a five dollar bill shown above. The listing has images of this bill zoomed in even more, which is both amazing, and perhaps even a little disturbing!
