A Short Guide To Developing Your First Employee Training Program

So you’ve finally made up your mind to jump on the bandwagon and provide your employees learning & development opportunities. Great! If you’re looking for ways to ensure your first employee training program is effective and helps you earn ROI, you are at the right place.

Online learning courses are all the rage because of the flexibility and independence they provide the learners. As compared to the traditional training methods, investing in creating an online L&D course for your employees will turn out to be far more beneficial for your employees.

Thankfully, developing a productive and engaging online training program is now very easy with the help of tech tools like LMS. It streamlines the entire process and automates the delivery and administration of online learning courses.

For instance, consider Adobe Prime Captivate. A popular employee training LMS, Adobe Prime Captivate offers learners multiple learning styles ranging from self-paced courses to instructor-led learning support. This brings variety in learning and keeps the employees engaged.

With this post, we will guide you to develop your very first company training program for your employees.

  • Identify employee learning needs:

The very first step to build a training program is identifying what your employees need to learn. This can be determined based on their skill gaps or their shortcomings.

You can also seek employee opinion on what they wish to learn. This increases the chances of them engaging with the training content when the program is implemented.

  • Assess organizational goals:

Apart from employee needs, you need to also ensure the training satisfies the organization’s needs. What are the skills that can accelerate employee performance and make them more productive?

Identify these training goals that when fulfilled, will help your business grow and earn more profits. It will also give your company a competitive advantage over your competitors.

  • Gather data:

Once you know what your business and your employees need, it’s time to gather data to build content. The success of your training program majorly depends on what information is being passed on to the employees.

Make sure to focus on quality and not quantity when deciding the course content. This will allow you to deliver more value to your employees in less time.

  • Build short crisp modules: 

While developing the training program, it is crucial to structure the course content in a way that makes it easy to come. The best way to do this is by making use of microlearning concepts.

This means breaking down the content into small chunks that are easy to digest and make learning more convenient in shorter time frames. This also helps in better retention of knowledge.

  • Ensure the content is engaging:

Training programs don’t have to be a snoozefest. If the training content is not engaging, employees will fail to make the most of it. This will cause the company a huge loss since developing a training program is a significant investment. 

This is why you should include elements that make learning fun. You can make use of eLearning authoring tools to create stunning digital content which includes graphics, videos, animated stories, etc to keep employees engaged. 

  • Get employees excited:

The last yet most important step is communicating the benefits of the training program to your employees. If your employees don’t participate in the training, all the above-mentioned efforts will amount to nothing.

This is why you need to ensure employees understand how training will help them advance in their careers. Keep reinforcing this information a few weeks before the actual implementation of the program so when it launches, employees are excited to learn.


Your first training program can be made impactful and productive with these tips. But make sure to take employee feedback after the training program to understand if there are any areas of improvement. Based on the feedback you can update your training program and make it more successful.
