Shift Register Menorah and Kawaii Festive Tree

So many awesome holiday decorations are popping up on Tindie, but time is running out to get them before the holidays! This pair of decorations include the Kawaii Festive Tree with it’s oh-so-adorable face, and the Shift Register Menorah which uses the simplicity of an 8-bit shift register to control the lighting of the Menorah each night.

The Kawaii Festive Tree comes pre-assembled or as a kit. The kit requires soldering 0603 surface mount LEDs, as well as some very precise soldering of through-hole LEDs onto surface pads, so get the pre-assembled version if you’re not confident in your soldering skills. The result is an adorable pin that can be worn as a festive decoration, or tied up in your actual festive tree!

The Shift Register Menorah will light the first candle, or shamash candle. Each subsequent press will shift a bit into the shift register, lighting the candles in the correct order. To remind you to say the correct blessing, there is a delay before you can push the button for the next candle. A great gift for any of your hacker friends celebrating Hannukah!

Jack and Steph’s Workshop have consistently made awesome decorations and neat circuits, so be sure to check out their store for all they have to offer.
