10 Tips for Generating New Ideas to Support and Grow Your Small Business
Creative ideas are essential for any successful business. This isn’t just about coming up with unique products. You need ideas for everything from marketing to revenue streams. Below are tips from members of the online small business community for integrating new ideas into your business.
Try These App Ideas That Haven’t Been Made Yet
It seems like there’s an app for just about everything. But there are some areas where there are still gaps in the marketplace. If you really want to make an impact with a new app, check out this list from Ivan Widjaya of SMB CEO.
Focus on the Customer Experience
You may get more ideas to support your business operations if you put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Customer experience is one of the most important concepts for any small business owner to learn about. Learn more in this GatherUp post by Micah Hartmann.
Look for B2B Feedback from Unconventional Sources
Customer feedback can provide a wealth of new ideas for businesses. So entrepreneurs should constantly try to collect thoughts and opinions from their target market. For B2B businesses, check the unconventional sources listed in this TopRank Marketing post by Lane Ellis.
Make More Money with Differentiated Marketing
If you want your marketing to stand out, your strategy needs to differ from your competitors. So how can you set yourself apart and make more money in 2021? Janice Wald lays out a plan in this Mostly Blogging post. And members of the BizSugar community commented here.
Use Google Trends for Keyword Research
Trending topics can be an amazing source of new ideas that are especially relevant to customers. This may be especially relevant when looking for content marketing or website keywords. This SEM Rush post by Connor Lahey features a guide for using Google Trends in this way.
Avoid These Video Marketing Mistakes
There are tons of unique ideas making an impact on the world of marketing. But video is one of the areas with the most potential for growth in the coming years. If you plan to make use of video marketing, avoid the mistakes in this Smallbiztechnology.com post by Becca Williams.
Build SEO into Your Product
SEO is often thought of as a marketing strategy. But it can and should be so much more. By thinking of it throughout the product creation process, things like keywords should come naturally. Read more in this Search Engine Journal post by Kevin Indig.
Make Quick Money Now
The past year has been difficult for many businesses financially. However, you don’t necessarily need to accept lower revenue if you can come up with new ideas for earning money. In this Miss Millennia Magazine post, Jamie T. Wiseman offers tips for making money quickly.
Grow Your Business with Social Media Contests
Contests can help you grow a following on social media quickly. But this strategy requires fun and unique ideas. In this Startup Bonsai post, Christopher Benitez compares some tools you can use to facilitate contests. After reading, head over to BizSugar to see what members are saying.
Create Engaging Reels Content
Reels is one of the most exciting new features on Instagram. But many brands still don’t know how to make the most of it. If you want your client to really engage with viewers, check the ideas in this Social Media Today post by Andrew Hutchinson.
If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: sbtips@gmail.com.
Image: Depositphotos.com