How Ex-NFL Player, Chris Gronkowski, Is Using Social Media To Change Careers

Chris Gronkowski had a big decision to make.

Have surgery to keep playing in the NFL, or retire and look for a new career path. He chose the latter.

This isn’t easy for a lot of pro athletes. Leaving your dream job behind is mentally challenging. Chris has managed to do it better than most. Using his passion for fitness, and a degree in Accounting, he started leveraging his status as a former NFL player to build a following on social media as a way to introduce his followers to Ice Shaker, his signature beverage holder.

First It Was An Appearance on Shark Tank (With Some Help From The Gronkowski Brothers)

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Chris Gronkowski got his brothers to join him on the show and ultimately landed a deal with Mark Cuban.

That lead to him realizing the power of social media. And most recently, TikTok.

Let’s take a look at his TOP 10 MOST VIRAL TikToks to date…

Chris Gronkowski clearly sees the power of connecting with his audience online. He’s a natural on camera. You can feel both his passion and sincerity. Plus, his storytelling skills and knowledge of the game are key factors to his success too.

Changing careers, especially high-profile ones, can feel daunting. But as you can see, leveraging social media can be just the thing to help you make the transition and find career satisfaction in a new field!

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