ClockAThing, A Big Circular RGB LED Display

Addressable RGB LEDs are commonplace these days but when you see a stack of them in a nice arrangement they are still a thing of wonder! The ClockAThing, which measures in at 188mm in diameter with 660 WS2812B LEDs, is no exception. Whether it be a clock or any other circular design, the ClockAThing could certainly form the basis of some beautiful animated LED projects.

It’s supplied fully assembled and utilizes the SEEED XIAO SAMD21 board as its brains. You can program the XIAO platform using the the Arduino IDE, or you can go with CircuitPython. If needed, there are plenty of libraries and examples for both platforms. The ClockAThing is pre-flashed with the popular FastLED Pride2015 demo which gives an excellent demonstration of its capabilities on arrival.

The board has a couple of push buttons connected to GPIO pins 7 and 8 which are useful for building interactions into your display. We can imagine using these for input functions such as setting the time if you do create a clock display, or advancing through different patterns and colours when things get a bit more abstract. You can individually power the XIAO via the USB C connector when you are flashing and tinkering with code, but a separate barrel jack connector is  rated for up to 9 amps at 5V and is required to power all the LEDs when running. Add a bit of flair to your workspace or add an interactive decoration to your home with the ClockAThing!

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