(Bluetooth) Power to the Gamers!

Long gone are the days of sitting 6 inches away from your CRT television, trying to figure out where your friend is running around in the GoldenEye map without being accused of screen-cheating. We have evolved as a society to expect a more luxurious gaming experience, with our 60″ TVs and Bluetooth controllers that allow us to lounge in the living room, untethered to the console. That level of luxury is now available for the retro video game consoles we have on our shelves, with the RetroRosetta allowing you to use any of your more modern BT controllers with those older consoles.

This adapter works with a huge number of modern gaming controllers, like the PS4/PS5, Wii remotes and the Switch JoyCons, Xbox controllers, and so many more that you’ll just have to visit the product page to see for yourself. And the supported consoles include the Dreamcast, the PS1 and PS2, your Nintendo 64, and the ever-beloved Gamecube.

Though they offer some pre-made cables for the N64 and the Gamecube, if you want to build your own cables for your specific console, the maker has Cable Making Guide. The PCB utilizes the open-source BlueRetro firmware project, whose developer is included in the proceeds of every sale! There are honestly too many details and exciting features to list all of them here, so be sure to check out the product page and the project’s Github to see every delightful thing they’ve included in the RetroRosetta.

Stock is low right now, so if you happen to miss out on this much-needed upgrade for your retro console collection, be sure to keep an eye on GrechTech‘s Tindie store for a new drop in October!
