Bleep-O-Tron Gets Polyphonic Makeover

MadLab have come up with some impressive noise making devices over the years, we’ll list them below – but for now, we’re going to take a look at their latest remade masterpiece the Bleep-o-tron (Redux) Kit! This device was originally released as a monophonic synth but it has had a recent overhaul and now kicks out four voices of polyphonic tones!

First off, it comes as a kit, as all of the MadLab stuff has done – to get you in the mood and in the mindset for making your own electrical contraptions. The list of features is extensive, and it now includes a MIDI editor which allows for editing of the existing patches and creation of completely new ones. It uses what’s termed a slightly retro phase modulation synthesis engine, and features 4 voices with 2 oscillators per voice, 6 LFOs, 6 ADSRs, ring modulation and preset patches as well as support for pitch bend and modulation wheel. Here’s a glimpse of the editor:

There are a plethora of amazing devices you’ll find in the MadLab Tindie store, including but not limtied to the Scuttlebut, Funky Drummer, and the fantastic Noise-X. Look no further for noise generating devices which defy convention! Here are some demos of the Bleep O Tron on Soundcloud:
