How to Get the Most Out of Your Extreme Connect Experience

It is official, Extreme Connect 2022 is on! We can’t wait to see everyone in Nashville this June or virtually to attend the many different parts of the event from the 30+ breakouts, vertical-specific sessions, interactive demos, certification training, customer awards, and more.

There is so much to take in at Extreme Connect this year, so we wanted to give you the right tools to make sure that you are ready for the event. Here are some of our top tips to make sure you get the most out of your Extreme Connect experience:

Come Early for Our Certification Training Events

Extreme offers a range of training and certifications that can help you advance your career. We will be hosting some of these training live in Nashville for a few days before Extreme Connect begins. Register now to join us for in-person training and the opportunity to take certification tests.

Show Up Ready to Network

Extreme Connect will host industry professionals from a variety of backgrounds, technology experts, and Extreme Networks executives that are all looking forward to meeting new people and learning from them! Be ready to introduce yourself to new people, talk about what you and your organization are up too, and learn from tech geniuses.

Plan Out Which Breakouts to You Most Want to Attend

Extreme Connect 2022 will have over 30 different breakout sessions focusing on topics ranging from specific solutions to industry trends and the latest technology coming soon. With so many different topic offerings, it can be hard to figure out which ones to attend. Try reading our different recommend journeys and breakout decisions to come up with a plan of which breakouts you hope to attend while you are here.

Read more about our recommended customer paths and learn which will be the top breakouts this year!

Be Ready to Learn from Industry Professionals

Tech experts are going to be everywhere at this event, and they are all there to talk to you! They want to help you learn more about industry trends and product offerings whether that be at our breakouts, product demos, user sessions, or talking one-on-one. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and engage in conversations so you can learn more!

Join Our Interactive Demos

Is there a certain product you are considering or planning on trying out? Join our product experts at our interactive live demo sessions to learn more about specific Extreme Networks solutions and their capabilities to learn what outcomes we can help you reach.

Read more about our interactive demos!

Attend our End-User Led Sessions

Don’t just take our word for it, go to some of the end-user-led sessions to learn from customers that have been using our Extreme products! They will talk about why they picked Extreme and how they have used our solutions to reach their business goals.

We can’t wait to see you at Extreme Connect!

Register to join us in person in Nashville June 6-9 or sign up for the virtual event for free!

Extreme Connect Registration Banner
