Top Tips to Excel at Your Next Job Interview

Whether you’re going for a promotion at your current workplace or you’ve quit your job and decided to enter a brand-new career, interviews are nerve-wracking events.
Your fate is placed in the hands of the interviewers and you can’t help but feels anxious about the outcome of the interview when it’s a job that you really want.
The aim of a job interview is to determine your suitability for a specific job role. Employers can ask candidates a range of questions during their interviews to see if they have the right skillset and work experience for the role, and whether or not they will integrate well into the existing team of staff.
When you receive an interview to interview for a recent job application, it’s never too early to start your preparation. The more time that you spend preparing your answering and researching about the company, the more comfortable you will feel at the interview, and the better you will perform.
Properly preparing for your interview gives you the best chance of being the winning candidate and being offered your dream role. We’ve rounded up some of the best tips to help you prepare for your interview and succeed during the interview itself.
If you take a look at the following tips and feel like you still want some extra help when it comes to excelling in your next interview, consider getting advanced job interview coaching. Expert interview coaches will be able to guide you through the perfect preparatory steps and the best interview etiquette to ensure you get the job that you want.
Let’s get into the interview tips.
Consider Industry Keywords
Many employers use a points system to score each candidate during their interviews. Usually, the candidate who scores the highest will be offered the role.
Scores will be given for certain keywords that the candidate uses or skills that they display in their application and during the interview. The exact keywords and skills that score points differ between employers and companies.
By taking the time to properly prepare for an interview and search for keywords that are relevant to the industry, you can maximize your chances of scoring highly. Try to integrate the keywords into your answers in a natural way so that it doesn’t come across as forced.
By incorporating industry-specific terminology, you can impress your interviewer and show them that you know what you’re talking about. It also displays your genuine interest in the field of work and this is extremely favorable in an employer’s eyes. They want to hire team members that are passionate and keen on driving innovation within the industry.
Research Your Employer
Interviewers want to know why you’re applying for a role within their company. They are likely to ask you about some of the specifics of the business, like when they were established or what core values they hold.
Part of your preparation for an interview should involve researching the organization in detail. Look at its missions, values, goals, and accomplishments. This way, you can be prepared when the interviewer asks you why their company is important to you or in what way you resonate with the company’s values.
Try to create a timeline of significant events in your head so that you can pinpoint one of the company’s specific achievements. You can bring this achievement up during the interview to display your in-depth research.
When bringing up values, goals, or achievements in your answers at the interview, try and relate them back to yourself. Link them to your own values and accomplishments so that you can highlight how you are a great fit for the company.
Study the Job Description
Employers expect all of their candidates to read through the whole job description when applying for a job. To check whether interviewees have done this research, interviewers will often ask questions that are specific to the job description.
Pay attention to the keywords that have been used throughout the job description, including specific skills and responsibilities that are relevant to the role. Try and relate all the information on the job description to your personal skillset and previous work experience.
Consider Your Body Language
Interview success isn’t only about the words that you say. It’s also about the way you say them and the way that you behave. Your body language can make or break the interview.
You need to appear confident during your interview. Keep your head up, sit with your shoulders back, and don’t be afraid to make eye contact with the interviewers. By displaying confidence, you’re more likely to speak with conviction and say the right things.
Another key aspect of your body language is respect. It’s important to treat all of the interviewers with the utmost respect. Shake their hand when you arrive at the interview room and greet them with a smile.
The same applies to any receptionists or employees that might assist you to the interview room. Treat everyone kindly and act professionally at all times. Employers often ask other employees for their input when considering candidates for a job role.
Make sure to introduce yourself too! Mentioning your name at the very start of the conversation immediately adds a more personal touch and helps you to build a strong rapport with the interviewers.
Follow Up After the Interview
After the interview has ended, go the extra mile and send the interviewer a thank you email. In the email, highlight your interest in the role and show your appreciation to the interviewer for taking the time to consider your application.
You may not receive a response but your efforts won’t go amiss. By following up with the employer, you can set yourself apart from other candidates and display your professionalism. It also helps to keep your name at the forefront of the interviewer’s mind.