Extensive Customizable DIY MIDI Controller!

MIDI has been around for almost forty years, and over the decades we’ve seen MIDI controllers for everything. Want a piano controller? There are millions. A drum pad controller? Done. Xylophones? Yes. But if you want a custom MIDI controller, with all the bells and whistles you want, you’ve got to build your own.

The 2 Octave MIDI Controller is just that. It’s a relatively small MIDI controller that’s still packed to the gills with features. They include a two octave polyphonic keyboard, eight drum buttons, seven rotary and seven slide pots, a two-axis thumbstick for pitch bends and modulations, octave up and down buttons, and an LCD with a rotary encoder to navigate the UI.

Deep in the firmware for this keyboard are a lot of neat features that automatically generate scales and chords, making this one of the smartest DAW-less setups possible. Of course, all the source code and documentation for this keyboard is available. If you have an idea of what a MIDI controller can be, it’s time to get coding!

Designed and produced by Midi Controllers out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, there’s enough MIDI goodness in this controller to do just about anything. Take a look at the Midi Controller’s Facebook page, or, alternatively, get the all the docs on the project’s Github.
