Lady Gaga Gives Imperative Speech About White Supremacy While Accepting Award As She Plans Inauguration Performance

Lady Gaga is preparing to perform at the 2021 inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Before she kills it she was called to accept the Higher Ground award virtually where she took her acceptance speech time to condemn and raise awareness on white supremacy.

After the riots at the Capitol, it became abundantly clear that white privilege is as prominent as ever. Lady Gaga, among many of public figures and politicians on both sides, spoke out against the disgusting acts of violence and placed blame on the current president who has made a name for himself by encouraging this behavior.

During her acceptance speech, Gaga acknowledged the plight of Black people and spoke directly to white people about what they should be doing to make the world a better place.

‘Black lives matter. Black life matters. Blackness matters. Black joy matters. White people, I believe that Black life represents the best of our nation and as white people, I believe we have a responsibility to unlearn, to accept the honest truth about the history of our country, admit that white supremacy makes us unhealthy and change our own behaviors to contribute to a world where freedom is real for everyone.’

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She went on to say: ‘White people, I believe we must right our wrongs without shame, we must change our actions and we must do this for ourselves. This is just one of our roles in the beloved community. To adapt some of Dr King Jr’s language, I believe white people must qualitatively heal our insides and we must quantitatively change our actions and behaviors. Unlearning allows me to walk through the world differently. I no longer say I don’t see color, as I used to say. Instead, I now celebrate color. Saying I don’t see color was once the greatest thing standing in my way of understanding what a beloved community requires.’

She went on to urge Americans to unlearn racial bias and do more to dismantle white supremacy.

Meanwhile, a source says that Gaga is planning a very special performance for January 20. She already performed the National Anthem in 2016, so this time she will be doing something differently.


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This comes after she rallied for the Biden/Harris campaign.

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