Help! What Kids’ Chapter Books Do You Like?

We’ve written a lot about children’s books, but now that the boys are getting older, I’m curious what chapter books you like…

Growing up, I LOVED The Boxcar Children and all things Ramona and OF COURSE The Baby-Sitters Club. Like a totally normal 10-year-old, I would lie behind our sofa, squeezing against the wall, and read for hours — hidden from the rest of the world.

But, to be honest, I’ve been having a hard time getting the boys into chapter books. Anton still loves picture books, and Toby enjoyed Charlotte’s Web — but I want to find more that will really excite them.

So question for the group:

What do the middle grade kids in your life like to read? I would so appreciate recommendations!

P.S. Our most beloved children’s books, and a motherhood mantra.

(Photo by Guille Faingold/Stocksy.)
