How Do Minerals Get Their Names?
Swedish physician, botanist and zoologist Carl von Linné is today famous as the father of binomial nomenclature, a system of naming species of living things by giving each a name composed of two parts and reflecting its place in a hierarchical classification system, meaning that a species is included with other similar species in a genus, genus in an order and so on.
But Linné was also interested in mineralogy and tried to include minerals in his system.
In the 18th century, mineral identification and classification was quite a messy thing. Only the most common minerals, like feldspar and quartz, and minerals of some economic value, like ore minerals or gemstones, had names. Chemical different minerals like ruby or garnet were classified based on the same red color as one mineral type. Colored quartz-varieties, despite the observed color variability all composed of silicon-dioxide, were classified as different minerals.
Linné classified plants (and later animals) based on their sexual reproduction organs, such as the number of stamens (the male organs) and the number of carpels (the female organs) inside a flower. This makes sense, as a species is defined as a group of individuals that actually or potentially interbreed in nature. Because of this successful system, he adopted the idea of sexual reproduction also to classify minerals.
Of course, minerals don’t mate or have genitals, but Linné imagined that minerals form by salty fluids inseminating rocks. A more practical approach adopted by Linne included a classification system based on the crystal shape, the number of crystal faces, and chemical behavior. Unlike his system for plants and animals, Linné’s mineralogical system never really became popular, even if some mineralogists tried to use it.
In the first edition of American geologist James D. Dana’s “System of Mineralogy” (1837), binomial names for 300 to 1,000 minerals were given along with the usual names. Thus quartz was known as Hyalus rhombohedrus, according to its rhomboidal crystal shape and translucent appearance. Classes and orders were also recognized. Other mineralogists would introduce other classifications systems and mineral names. For example, the mineral we know now as galena might also be called galenite, steinmannite, targionite, johnstonite, plumbo‐cuprite or huascolite depending who you read. In 1955 a compilation found 25,000 names used to designate 2,000 minerals.
In 1960, to reduce this chaos the International Mineralogical Society established the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names. Now when mineralogists believe they have found a new mineral, they send their data and proposed name to the Commission. If the Commission is convinced that the mineral has not been previously described and that the name is suitable, then the mineralogists may publish their data including a name.
About 5,000 minerals have been found to this day on Earth, and every year some new ones are discovered. A mineral species is a mineral with definite chemical and distinctive crystal form (or crystalline structure). They are named following a few rules. The proposed name can reflect the chemical composition or some other physical property of a mineral. For example, the name for the reddish mineral rhodonite comes from the Greek rhodos, meaning “rose colored.” The mineral can be named for the locality in which the mineral was first found, like andesine, named after the Andes Mountains in South America. It is also possible to name a new mineral after a prominent scientist or other person living or dead. Bridgmanite, the most common mineral on Earth formed deep within Earth’s mantle, was named in 2014 in honor of Percy Williams Bridgman, American physicist winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1946 for his work in high-pressure physics. Even mythical creatures or deities are possible. Neptunite was named for Neptune, the Roman god of the sea, because it was found with aegirine, named for the Scandinavian god of the sea.
However, even the modern classification and naming system isn’t perfect.
Mineralogists Robert Hazen and Shaunna Morrison teamed up with philosophy of science professor Carol Cleland to argue that Linné’s approach wasn’t all that wrong and scientists should also consider the “descent of a mineral” to name it.
Even a chemically simple mineral like a diamond, composed of pure carbon and classified as elemental or native mineral, has a complex history. Some diamonds now found on Earth have formed billions of years ago in space as the carbon-rich atmospheres of dying stars expanded and cooled. Other diamonds form deep within Earth when carbon-rich fluids crystallize under high-pressure.
Modern mineral classification lumps minerals with distinctly different historical origins together – as with the example of diamonds – while other minerals that share a common history are split apart. Adopting the binomial nomenclature, the generic name of a mineral would identify its chemical composition, while the second part identifies its origin.