Why Does My Cat Follow Me Everywhere?

You’re walking around the house, and you have this strange feeling that you’re being followed. Everywhere you go a small shadow follows you — even into the bathroom. But it’s nothing sinister, it’s your velcro cat!

If this sounds familiar, you may be wondering “Why does my cat follow me everywhere?” There are many reasons why cats like to follow their humans around, everything from they just love you sooo much to they’re not feeling well. Some cat breeds are also known to be more clingy than others.

What Does It Mean When a Cat Follows You?

The sweetest reason for your cat following you is that they love and trust you and want to be near their favorite person at all times. This is a completely normal behavior for a cat and shows that you have a strong bond with your kitty — just like when your cat licks you. As long as you don’t mind having a constant shadow, there’s probably nothing to be concerned about. But there are other reasons why cats follow their pet parents everywhere.

If you’ve been out of the house for long periods or haven’t played with your cat in a while, they may be following you around because they want attention or they’re bored. They may even throw in some loud meows to make sure you’re noticing them. Play sessions with your kitty, providing toys or spending time snuggling may help resolve this neediness. Until the next time they want attention…

Many cats like to follow their owners around because they are naturally curious. They love to explore every nook and cranny, and they’re curious about what you’re doing — especially if you go into a room or open a cabinet they don’t usually have access to. Ooh, what’s in there?!

You’ve Got a Hungry Cat

Cats like to follow a routine, and a hungry cat is a persistent cat. So if you notice your kitty following you into the kitchen or wherever their food bowl is, especially around dinnertime, that’s a good sign that they’re hungry. If you’re noticing this behavior throughout the day, ask your veterinarian if the amount of food you’re feeding is enough. If more food isn’t the answer, try food puzzles, automatic feeders or treat-dispensing toys that help keep your cat entertained, fed and away from your feet.

A Sick or Stressed Cat May Follow You Around

Another reason cats follow their owners around is because they’re stressed or anxious. Cats are creatures of habit and like routine. As a result, any change — big or small — in their daily routine can cause stress. Similarly, cats with separation anxiety will often follow their pet parents around since they are worried that they’re going to leave them any second. Big changes in a cat’s life, like moving to a different home or adding a new pet, can also cause stress. Other signs of stress in cats include going outside the litter box, excessive grooming, destructive behavior and changes in appetite. Try to remove the stressor, provide hiding places for your cat and ask your vet for advice if you’re concerned about your cat’s anxiety.

Illness can also be why a cat follows their owner around. They may be seeking comfort from you or feeling more vulnerable since they’re not feeling well. If you notice other signs of illness like changes in appetite, litter box issues, vomiting or changes in sleeping habits, contact your vet.

My Cat Always Wants to Be Near Me, Not Other People

If you notice your cat is following you and no one else in your household, it’s likely that you’re their favorite! This might be because you spend the most time playing and snuggling with them, so they’re attached to you. Or, in a less heartwarming scenario, maybe they know that you’re the one who usually feeds them and if they follow you around for long enough, you’ll deliver the goods.

My Cat Follows Me Everywhere and Sleeps with Me!

Sounds like you have one devoted kitty. If your cat follows you everywhere and sleeps with you, it’s a good sign that they completely trust you and consider you family. They feel safe and secure sleeping with you and feel comfortable enough to be completely vulnerable (asleep) next to you (or on you). Or maybe they just enjoy having a warm and comfy spot to sleep!

Why Does My Cat Follow Me to the Bathroom?

If your cat is following you into the bathroom, they might want to be with you everywhere you go, or maybe they’re curious about where you’re going and what you’re doing. Or maybe they’re one of the few cats who love water. If you need some personal space, shutting the bathroom door is your best option — no matter how many complaints you hear from the other side of the door.

Some cats follow their humans because they love them; other cats are just hungry or bored. Why do you think your cat is following you around the house?
