Random: Skull Kid “Clocks In” To Super Smash Bros. In This Awesome Fan-Made Trailer

The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster may be full now, but that won’t stop us from dreaming about what could have been thanks to a particularly awesome fan-made trailer.

Animation YouTube channel King Bob (the creator behind the awesome Waluigi Smash reveal trailer from a few years back) has returned with another Ultimate roster addition that never was and we are, once again, blown away by the creativity on display.

Just in case the headline or above trailer wasn’t enough of a giveaway, the latest reveal trailer puts Skull Kid in the spotlight, and it really is a beauty. Taking place across a surprisingly emotional four minutes, the trailer sees Mario and co. attempt to take on the Majora’s Mask baddy while a giant smiling moon comes crashing down to Earth. There are ace shots like the Star Fox crew coming across the moon while airborne, Mario reaching a sticky end, and a surprisingly touching moment between Isabelle and Bowser.

Oh, and we really can’t stress this enough, there is a surprise at the end of the video that you will not want to miss. If you thought Skull Kid was the main attraction here, think again.

Of course, Sora capped off the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character reveals back in 2021, so the likes of Skull Kid and Waluigi will have to wait for whatever comes next in the series. While we have no idea what a new Smash Bros. title would even look like, series creator Masahiro Sakurai announced last week that he is working on another game — there’s no guarantee that’s Smash, mind you.

What do you make of this fan trailer? Would you play Skull Kid in Smash Ultimate? Let us know in the comments.
