Polina Kudermetova of Russian Federation, seeded LL is scheduled to play Priscilla Hon of Australia, seeded Q, at 04:30. First server will be TBD
YuliaPutintseva(6) AmandaAnisimova
Yulia Putintseva of Kazakhstan, seeded 6 is scheduled to play Amanda Anisimova of United States of America, at 04:30. First server will be TBD
TatjanaMaria ViktoriyaTomova
Tatjana Maria of Germany is scheduled to play Viktoriya Tomova of Bulgaria, at 05:30. First server will be TBD
SloaneStephens HaileyBaptiste
Sloane Stephens of United States of America is scheduled to play Hailey Baptiste of United States of America, at 06:00. First server will be TBD
PeytonStearns EmmaRaducanu
Peyton Stearns of United States of America is scheduled to play Emma Raducanu of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, at 07:30. First server will be TBD
AjlaTomljanovic Su JeongJang(WC)
Ajla Tomljanovic of Australia is scheduled to play Su Jeong Jang of Korea Republic, seeded WC, at 09:00. First server will be TBD
WTA Tour / Women’s Doubles / Round of 16
Chengdu Open
ATP World Tour / Men’s Singles / Qualifying 1st Round
Hangzhou Open
ATP World Tour / Men’s Singles / Qualifying 1st Round
Thailand Open 2
WTA Tour / Women’s Singles / Round of 32
NadiaPodoroska KseniaLaskutova(Q)
Nadia Podoroska of Argentina is scheduled to play Ksenia Laskutova of Russian Federation, seeded Q, at 05:00. First server will be TBD
ArianneHartono(Q) MoyukaUchijima(7)
Arianne Hartono of Netherlands, seeded Q is scheduled to play Moyuka Uchijima of Japan, seeded 7, at 05:00. First server will be TBD
SijiaWei(Q) XinyuGao(Q)
Sijia Wei of China PR, seeded Q is scheduled to play Xinyu Gao of China PR, seeded Q, at 05:00. First server will be TBD
AnnaBondar RebekaMasarova
Anna Bondar of Hungary is scheduled to play Rebeka Masarova of Spain, at 06:30. First server will be TBD
SaisaiZheng(WC) JanaFett
Saisai Zheng of China PR, seeded WC is scheduled to play Jana Fett of Croatia, at 06:30. First server will be TBD
DayanaYastremska(1) MaiHontama
Dayana Yastremska of Ukraine, seeded 1 is scheduled to play Mai Hontama of Japan, at 06:30. First server will be TBD
XinyuWang(3) MayarSherif
Xinyu Wang of China PR, seeded 3 is scheduled to play Mayar Sherif of Egypt, at 08:00. First server will be TBD
LesiaTsurenko MagdaLinette(4)
Lesia Tsurenko of Ukraine is scheduled to play Magda Linette of Poland, seeded 4, at 10:00. First server will be TBD
MananchayaSawangkaew(Q) RebeccaSramkova
Mananchaya Sawangkaew of Thailand, seeded Q is scheduled to play Rebecca Sramkova of Slovakia, at 11:30. First server will be TBD
WTA Tour / Women’s Doubles / Round of 16
Bad Waltersdorf Trophy
ATP Challenger Tour / Men’s Singles / Qualifying Final
ATP Challenger Tour / Men’s Singles / Round of 32
NicolasMoreno De Alboran FedericoArnaboldi(AL)
Nicolas Moreno De Alboran of United States of America is scheduled to play Federico Arnaboldi of Italy, seeded AL, at 10:30. First server will be TBD
CarlosTaberner(AL) Joel JosefSchwaerzler(WC)
Carlos Taberner of Spain, seeded AL is scheduled to play Joel Josef Schwaerzler of Austria, seeded WC, at 12:00. First server will be TBD
DmitryPopko ThiagoSeyboth Wild(4)
Dmitry Popko of Kazakhstan is scheduled to play Thiago Seyboth Wild of Brazil, seeded 4, at 12:00. First server will be TBD
ViliusGaubas ThiagoMonteiro(2)
Vilius Gaubas of Lithuania is scheduled to play Thiago Monteiro of Brazil, seeded 2, at 12:00. First server will be TBD
HenriSquire FrancescoPassaro(5)
Henri Squire of Germany is scheduled to play Francesco Passaro of Italy, seeded 5, at 13:30. First server will be TBD
AlbertRamos-Vinolas(7) LukasNeumayer(WC)
Albert Ramos-Vinolas of Spain, seeded 7 is scheduled to play Lukas Neumayer of Austria, seeded WC, at 13:30. First server will be TBD
VitKopriva SandroKopp(WC)
Vit Kopriva of Czechia is scheduled to play Sandro Kopp of Austria, seeded WC, at 15:00. First server will be TBD
ATP Challenger Tour / Men’s Doubles / Round of 16
BCR Sibiu Open
ATP Challenger Tour / Men’s Singles / Round of 32
CorentinDenolly(AL) LiamDraxl(5)
Corentin Denolly of France, seeded AL is scheduled to play Liam Draxl of Canada, seeded 5, at 08:00. First server will be TBD
GastaoElias LukaPavlovic
Gastao Elias of Portugal is scheduled to play Luka Pavlovic of France, at 08:00. First server will be TBD
JelleSels ArthurGea(Q)
Jelle Sels of Netherlands is scheduled to play Arthur Gea of France, seeded Q, at 08:00. First server will be TBD
DimitarKuzmanov MiguelDamas(AL)
Dimitar Kuzmanov of Bulgaria is scheduled to play Miguel Damas of Spain, seeded AL, at 09:30. First server will be TBD
Genaro AlbertoOlivieri(Q) IvanGakhov
Genaro Alberto Olivieri of Argentina, seeded Q is scheduled to play Ivan Gakhov of Russian Federation, at 09:30. First server will be TBD
RudolfMolleker(4) StefanPalosi(Q)
Rudolf Molleker of Germany, seeded 4 is scheduled to play Stefan Palosi of Romania, seeded Q, at 09:30. First server will be TBD
ChristophNegritu(Q) JacopoBerrettini(WC)
Christoph Negritu of Germany, seeded Q is scheduled to play Jacopo Berrettini of Italy, seeded WC, at 11:00. First server will be TBD
NicolaiBudkov Kjaer ArtemDubrivnyy(Q)
Nicolai Budkov Kjaer of Norway is scheduled to play Artem Dubrivnyy of Russian Federation, seeded Q, at 11:00. First server will be TBD
NikolasSanchez Izquierdo CezarCretu(8)
Nikolas Sanchez Izquierdo of Spain is scheduled to play Cezar Cretu of Romania, seeded 8, at 11:00. First server will be TBD
StefanoTravaglia(1) FilipJeff Planinsek
Stefano Travaglia of Italy, seeded 1 is scheduled to play Filip Jeff Planinsek of Slovenia, at 12:30. First server will be TBD
FrancescoMaestrelli(6) PolMartin Tiffon
Francesco Maestrelli of Italy, seeded 6 is scheduled to play Pol Martin Tiffon of Spain, at 12:30. First server will be TBD
GuyDen Ouden HynekBarton(Q)
Guy Den Ouden of Netherlands is scheduled to play Hynek Barton of Czechia, seeded Q, at 12:30. First server will be TBD
Bogdan Pavel of Romania and Ilya Snitari of Moldova, Republic of are scheduled to play Franco Agamenone of Italy and Facundo Juarez of Italy, at 14:00. First servers will be TBD
Columbus Challenger
ATP Challenger Tour / Men’s Singles / Round of 32
PatrickZahraj(Q) TristanSchoolkate(2)
Patrick Zahraj of Germany, seeded Q is scheduled to play Tristan Schoolkate of Australia, seeded 2, at 17:00. First server will be TBD
DominicStricker RyanPeniston
Dominic Stricker of Switzerland is scheduled to play Ryan Peniston of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, at 18:30. First server will be TBD
J.J.Wolf(4) KyleEdmund(Q)
J.J. Wolf of United States of America, seeded 4 is scheduled to play Kyle Edmund of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, seeded Q, at 18:30. First server will be TBD
ErnestoEscobedo AntoineGhibaudo(Q)
Ernesto Escobedo of Mexico is scheduled to play Antoine Ghibaudo of France, seeded Q, at 20:00. First server will be TBD
JackPinnington Jones(Q) NaokiNakagawa(AL)
Jack Pinnington Jones of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, seeded Q is scheduled to play Naoki Nakagawa of Japan, seeded AL, at 20:00. First server will be TBD
DenisKudla(5) MicahBraswell(Q)
Denis Kudla of United States of America, seeded 5 is scheduled to play Micah Braswell of United States of America, seeded Q, at 21:30. First server will be TBD
JackAnthrop(WC) MurphyCassone(Q)
Jack Anthrop of United States of America, seeded WC is scheduled to play Murphy Cassone of United States of America, seeded Q, at 21:30. First server will be TBD
ChristopherEubanks(1) CooperWilliams
Christopher Eubanks of United States of America, seeded 1 is scheduled to play Cooper Williams of United States of America, at 23:00. First server will be TBD
BryceNakashima(WC) TristanBoyer
Bryce Nakashima of United States of America, seeded WC is scheduled to play Tristan Boyer of United States of America, at 23:00. First server will be TBD
EliotSpizzirri AbdullahShelbayh(6)
Eliot Spizzirri of United States of America is scheduled to play Abdullah Shelbayh of Jordan, seeded 6, at 00:30. First server will be TBD
ATP Challenger Tour / Men’s Doubles / Round of 16
Directv Open Cali
ATP Challenger Tour / Men’s Singles / Round of 32
AlvaroGuillen Meza Juan CarlosAguilar(Q)
Alvaro Guillen Meza of Ecuador is scheduled to play Juan Carlos Aguilar of Canada, seeded Q, at 16:30. First server will be TBD
PavlosTsitsipas(WC) FrancoRoncadelli
Pavlos Tsitsipas of Greece, seeded WC is scheduled to play Franco Roncadelli of Uruguay, at 16:30. First server will be TBD
Juan SebastianGomez(Q) Roman AndresBurruchaga(3)
Juan Sebastian Gomez of Colombia, seeded Q is scheduled to play Roman Andres Burruchaga of Argentina, seeded 3, at 17:00. First server will be TBD
WilsonLeite(Q) Luciano EmanuelAmbrogi(AL)
Wilson Leite of Brazil, seeded Q is scheduled to play Luciano Emanuel Ambrogi of Argentina, seeded AL, at 18:00. First server will be TBD
Juan BautistaTorres Juan CarlosPrado Angelo
Juan Bautista Torres of Argentina is scheduled to play Juan Carlos Prado Angelo of Bolivia (Plurinational State of), at 18:00. First server will be TBD
JosePereira(AL) HugoDellien(2)
Jose Pereira of Brazil, seeded AL is scheduled to play Hugo Dellien of Bolivia (Plurinational State of), seeded 2, at 18:30. First server will be TBD
GonzaloBueno RenzoOlivo
Gonzalo Bueno of Peru is scheduled to play Renzo Olivo of Argentina, at 20:00. First server will be TBD
MurkelDellien(4) Juan IgnacioLondero(Q)
Murkel Dellien of Bolivia (Plurinational State of), seeded 4 is scheduled to play Juan Ignacio Londero of Argentina, seeded Q, at 20:00. First server will be TBD
Juan ManuelCerundolo(5) SamuelHeredia(Q)
Juan Manuel Cerundolo of Argentina, seeded 5 is scheduled to play Samuel Heredia of Colombia, seeded Q, at 21:00. First server will be TBD
PeterBertran(Q) Juan PabloFicovich
Peter Bertran of Dominican Republic, seeded Q is scheduled to play Juan Pablo Ficovich of Argentina, at 21:30. First server will be TBD
Thiago AgustinTirante(1) FrazierRengifo(WC)
Thiago Agustin Tirante of Argentina, seeded 1 is scheduled to play Frazier Rengifo of Colombia, seeded WC, at 00:00. First server will be TBD
ATP Challenger Tour / Men’s Doubles / Round of 16
Saint-Tropez Open
ATP Challenger Tour / Men’s Singles / Round of 32
DujeAjdukovic(1) KyrianJacquet(WC)
Duje Ajdukovic of Croatia, seeded 1 is scheduled to play Kyrian Jacquet of France, seeded WC, at 09:00. First server will be TBD
KamilMajchrzak BornaGojo(AL)
Kamil Majchrzak of Poland is scheduled to play Borna Gojo of Croatia, seeded AL, at 09:00. First server will be TBD
AlexanderBlockx MaksKasnikowski
Alexander Blockx of Belgium is scheduled to play Maks Kasnikowski of Poland, at 09:00. First server will be TBD
CalvinHemery CharlesBroom(Q)
Calvin Hemery of France is scheduled to play Charles Broom of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, seeded Q, at 10:30. First server will be TBD
MartinDamm(AL) AntoineEscoffier(AL)
Martin Damm of United States of America, seeded AL is scheduled to play Antoine Escoffier of France, seeded AL, at 10:30. First server will be TBD
LouisTessa(Q) LucasPouille(7)
Louis Tessa of France, seeded Q is scheduled to play Lucas Pouille of France, seeded 7, at 10:30. First server will be TBD
RobinBertrand(WC) ConstantLestienne(2)
Robin Bertrand of France, seeded WC is scheduled to play Constant Lestienne of France, seeded 2, at 12:00. First server will be TBD
LucasPoullain(Q) HaroldMayot(5)
Lucas Poullain of France, seeded Q is scheduled to play Harold Mayot of France, seeded 5, at 12:00. First server will be TBD
RichardGasquet(4) BenjaminHassan
Richard Gasquet of France, seeded 4 is scheduled to play Benjamin Hassan of Lebanon, at 13:00. First server will be TBD
JiriVesely(Q) MatteoGigante
Jiri Vesely of Czechia, seeded Q is scheduled to play Matteo Gigante of Italy, at 13:30. First server will be TBD
EliakimCoulibaly(Q) TitouanDroguet
Eliakim Coulibaly of Côte d’Ivoire, seeded Q is scheduled to play Titouan Droguet of France, at 13:30. First server will be TBD
GijsBrouwer(Q) LucaVan Assche(3)
Gijs Brouwer of Netherlands, seeded Q is scheduled to play Luca Van Assche of France, seeded 3, at 14:30. First server will be TBD
Pierre-HuguesHerbert(6) BenjaminBonzi
Pierre-Hugues Herbert of France, seeded 6 is scheduled to play Benjamin Bonzi of France, at 16:00. First server will be TBD
Fernando Romboli of Brazil and George Goldhoff of United States of America are scheduled to play Arthur Reymond of France and Mae Malige of France, seeded WC, at 15:00. First servers will be TBD