8 Ways To Motivate Yourself For Your Next Workout

It’s not uncommon that being physically active could improve your health; it boosts brain functions and help you stay fit. However, notwithstanding its health benefits, sometimes working out for you may feel like a tiring chore for you. So, even the best intentions may not be enough to keep you motivated and get through the strenuous training sessions.

If you’re looking for effective ways to stay out of the couch and into a workout routine, here are a few effective ways to stay motivated:

  • Dress Up For A Workout 

The importance of dressing up for a workout sometimes could be more inspiring than working out itself. The use of clothes as a reinforcement could create a feeling of determination to accomplish a chosen task. This effect, which is called ‘enclothed cognition’ is a term that describes the state where a person’s mental process is affected by their own clothing.

So, if you’re a woman who wants to stay motivated in achieving your dream summer look, getting fully clothed with excellent quality workout clothes like purchasing women’s activewear, may help you take the steps necessary to leave your house. 

  • Stop Eating Unhealthy Food 

Studies show that what you eat could directly affect your mood. Unhealthy foods containing fats, high sugar, and processed grains are said to keep the body at a low energy. Hence, feeling down and unmotivated may be directly linked to the type of foods you consume and not solely based on your current mental state.

To provide yourself with sufficient energy, it’s essential to consume three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fat and keep a balanced diet. 

  • Commit With A Workout Buddy 

A training partner is a good motivator. You may try to start going to the gym with a workout buddy. You’ll less likely to skip a meeting if you feel someone else is counting on your presence. You may even be motivated to push yourself more just by seeing a friend perform. Sharing tips and celebrating progress with another person may also encourage you to keep pushing yourself towards your fitness goal. 

  • Use A Fitness App 

You can find hundreds of fitness apps with workouts ranging from cardio, aerobic and Yoga, among others. Also, you may find it enjoyable and altogether engaging to exercise according to a fixed schedule you made on an app. Furthermore, some fitness apps may include a feature which makes it convenient for you to monitor your progress and track your fitness journey. This tracking features could be a perfect motivator to keep you moving even with less motivation.

  • Keep A Workout Journal 

Feel free to keep a journal and record your feelings after training. A note can be included with your workouts if you use a workout app with a journal function. It will allow you to relive your extraordinary moments when you’re feeling demotivated. 

  • Execute A Variety Of Workouts 

You may try to explore other routines than doing the same exercises over and over. No matter how familiar you are with an exercise, repeating the same routine can sometimes, become monotonous. Try rearranging them or substituting alternative activities—a flat bench instead of an incline bench, for example, to avoid boredom. Divvy up your exercises, and you’ll stay on top of things. You may eventually go right back to those workouts later on. But if you’re running out of workout ideas, you can search for free workout resources online to ensure a wide variety of selections.

  • Consider Hiring A Trainer 

It will probably require you to spend more to hire certified fitness instructors, but doing so could add significant value. A professional trainer can develop a program tailored to your goals, equip you with the proper fitness tools, and guide you with your diet. With a fitness instructor by your side, the question of motivation will be out of the picture as these people are trained to keep you in the game even in your most lethargic days.

  • Start Early 

You can avoid losing energy for working out if you start early by going to the gym before starting your day. Beginning in the morning may help you eradicate unnecessary distraction and help you focus on your workout schedule. So, if you feel unmotivated working out later in the day, you can switch your schedule and start early.


Each day is different. At times you might feel motivated to run a marathon. On some days, you may want to just hang out at home. This is entirely normal. Just remember to balance sports and rest time. Stay committed to your fitness goals by pushing yourself to stay motivated. It doesn’t have to be grand. Sometimes, purely choosing to walk into your workout clothes may set the perfect mood for you.
