7 Misconceptions About 5G and Wi-Fi

I recently had the pleasure to speak to a room full of Wi-Fi professionals about the relationship between 5G and Wi-Fi. I had 10 minutes to get my point across about what I feel are the 7 biggest misconceptions regarding 5G and Wi-Fi:

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In those 10 minutes I summarized the following misconceptions:

  • Wi-Fi 6 and 5G are generationally similar
  • Private 5G is always a Wi-Fi competitor
  • 5G and Wi-Fi are complimentary
  • Wi-Fi is ideal and 5G must be like it
  • 5G and Wi-Fi will converge
  • Advertised specs are current reality
  • The “best” technology wins

The video of my presentation at the 2020 wirelessLAN Professionals Conference (WLPC) in Phoenix is now available for all to view.
