5 Potential Employer Red Flags

Researching a potential employer is crucial for job hunters. But doing basic research on a company isn’t enough. You need to watch out for some common red flags that only employees or interviewees might notice. It’s crucial to stay clear of bad employers because your work environment is just as important as the job itself. There are five common red flags that you should watch for when searching for a job.
Red Flag #1 : Poor Reviews from Employees and Customers
One of the first things you should do when researching a potential employer is read reviews by former employees and customers or clients. Find insider information on Glassdoor and Indeed. Read company reviews on the Better Business Bureau website, Yelp, Facebook and Google reviews to see what customers and clients are saying. If you notice a trend , such as poor communication or lack of quality, it’s probably indicative of a greater problem within the company.
Red Flag #2: High Turnover
High employee turnover is possibly the biggest red flag that a company will not provide a positive work environment. You can get a sense of turnover by reading reviews by current and former employees. Reach out to your network to find professionals that have worked for or with the company to see if they can provide insight into employee turnover.
Red Flag #3: Illegal or Inappropriate Interview Questions
Interview questions should concentrate on your professional skills and qualifications. Interviewers might ask about hobbies or your favorite books but they should never ask very personal questions. Examples of illegal interview questions include “are you married?” and “do you have children?”. Questions about health conditions, age, ethnicity and religion are also off limits. Sometimes interviewers try to find out these things without asking directly. For example, they may ask what year you graduated high school or which church you attend. These questions are not appropriate and can signal that a company is discriminatory.
Red Flag #4: Lack of Transparency
An honest company will be transparent about it’s business practices and financial situation. If you can’t find anything online about a company or interviewers evade certain questions, it’s likely they are hiding something. Trust is necessary for a good employer-employee relationship. If you can’t trust the company you work for, your happiness and productivity could be negatively impacted.
Red Flag #5: Great Expectations, Poor Compensation
You’ve probably seen ads asking for 15 years experience and a master’s degree for an entry-level job with entry-level pay. If an employer doesn’t want to pay you a fair wage, it’s likely they won’t respect you as an employee. Find out how much your skills and education are worth by visiting sites like Salary.com .