5 benefits of reading…
Reduces stress = This is a big thing with me. I often use reading as a way to relieve stress, besides the obvious which is to keep me entertained. I’m often reading in the evening before going to bed.
Increases empathy = Reading can increase empathy because you can show empathy towards certain characters in the book. It not only can work for people who have written autobiography’s at some point but it can work on fictional characters as well.
Improved vocabulary = Reading can improve your vocabulary because you could be learning new words even though it’s not your intention of learning new things. You can learn new words, even when reading works of fiction.
Prevents cognitive decline = As we age, we can possibly see a decline in our mental/cognitive abilities. Reading can help prevent that or at least slow it down. Reading is an ability we learn when we are in school and if you continue to read once you are finished with school, then you are maintaining and keeping up with that ability. It also requires more effort than watching tv or movies.
Builds concentration = This is something I struggle with…..concentrating on something, especially for long periods of time. But I don’t have to really worry about that with reading. For some reason, I don’t really have a concentration problem when I’m reading, especially if the storyline holds my attention.
Do you think there are other benefits of reading not listed here? If so, what are they?