3 Simple Ways To Find Inspiration as an Entrepreneur

We’ve all been there: that moment where your mind is blank, and you don’t have any drive to complete the task at hand. In such situations, you need a dose of inspiration. In fact, the best entrepreneurs have found a way to keep themselves consistently inspired and motivated. Let’s walk through three simple ways that you can find inspiration on your entrepreneurial journey. 

Inspirational Quotes

Although short, motivational or inspirational quotes can contain a world of wisdom. For instance, consider this quote from serial entrepreneur Bill Gates, “Your unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” Assuming you are having a hard time with your customers, that quote alone can shoot a jolt of adrenaline into you and give you a different perspective on your customers. 

Take a look at this one from Michael Dell: “You don’t have to be a genius or a visionary or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream.” How did you feel after reading that quote? Inspired? Like anything is possible? Don’t underestimate the power of inspirational quotes. A simple Google search will lead you to thousands of quotes. Here are 100 inspirational quotes to get you started. 

Get Creative

Routines are the easiest way to kill inspiration. People get tired of doing the same thing in the same way over and over again. That’s why it’s important that, every so often, you give your inspiration a jumpstart through creativity. 

Creative activities could be anything from listening to music, journaling, dancing, attending a concert or recital, or looking at intellectual art. Allowing your mind to relax can allow creative ideas to come through. Choose something that you enjoy doing or that you’ve always wanted to explore. However, don’t be afraid to try something new to challenge yourself as well. 

For better results, make creativity a habit. Infuse creative ideas into your work process and ensure that your company allows for creative thinking and unconventional methods. Have you noticed how giants like Facebook have created office spaces that allow for collaboration and creative thinking? Also, pick up a hobby that helps you relax and fuels your passion and drive for work. Hobbies could be anything from swimming, solving puzzles, cooking, exercising or fishing. 

Talk To a Mentor

A few years ago, Micromentor, an organization that connects entrepreneurs with volunteer mentors, conducted a study of users of their service. They discovered that entrepreneurs who received mentoring increased their revenue by 106% while those who did not receive mentoring increased their revenue by just 14%. Mentors are essential in every entrepreneur’s journey. 

If you are going through a dry spell, talking to a mentor or someone your respect and admire is the best solution. Usually, such a person has already walked the road you are walking on. Because of that, they understand you better than most people do in your situation. 

A mentor is not just someone you admire and respect but someone with whom you have a mentor-mentee relationship. It could be in-person or over email. Whatever the case, the best mentors are people with whom you have regular interactions, where they listen to you and offer actionable advice. 

Remember Why You Started

When building a business, you’ll face many tough times. But don’t let those bumps in the road deter you from reaching your goals. Always keep your vision in mind, even when things get hard. Remember the “why” you started your business and let that be your inspiration. While inspiration can be elusive, it’s not hard to find once you have a compelling vision driving your business. 
